Incorporating ACF into Your Business Conversations

“The Agent Charitable Fund is a great opportunity for agents to share something meaningful and important to them with their community,” said ACF Committee Chairman Merrick Maris.

Recent studies indicate that 85 percent of consumers have a more positive image of a company when it supports a charity they care about. According to an article posted earlier this year by TotalRetail, “People love to see businesses getting involved with causes personally, not just writing checks. Anyone can write a check to donate money; it takes true passion to donate your time and presence.”

Supporting charities or causes you are passionate about can:

  • Build stronger relationships with customers

  • Inspire and can contribute to employee satisfaction

  • Makes it possible for business owners to initiate and continue meaningful conversations

“By hosting an event or by incorporating the Agent Charitable Fund and its mission into your conversations with your community, you can build awareness about the cause. In addition, it’s an opportunity for you to share your personal values while positioning yourself as a thought leader on such an incredible topic,” said Maris.

Maris concluded, “We have agents across this great state who have made a statement. Ending hunger in our state is important to them—I think if folks start having the conversation, they’ll find it’s important to everyone. The more people you let know—the more positive responses you will have.”